Our tomorrow, starts today
We’ve already started reducing our environmental impact; moreover we seek for an even greater interaction with the inhabitants of the areas where we operate.
Now we’re investing human and economical resources for the research and development of innovative solutions.
Through the construction of renewable energy plants with a very low environmental impact, we’re laying the foundations for a real circular economy.
Inspired by 17 principles of UN Global Compact, Enereco wants to contribute to the realization of 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and particularly, to the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
The fight against climate change is a challenge for the whole human race. Our duty is to accelerate the energy transition for ensuring the sustainability of human settlements and the safeguard of the territory as well as its biodiversity. The environment is our home.
We support Arbolia, a benefit corporation which develops new green areas in Italy through tree planting.
Its aim is to improve the air quality and to create the opportunity for cities and territories of social and economical development.
We have gifted our employees with a stainless steel bottle; it is just a small gesture, but the environment needs everyone’s contribution!
A simple calculation shows that by this Enereco’s employees will reduce CO2 emissions of about 7000kg per year.
From the beginning we have based our own politics on some goals as the respect of human rights, the elimination of every kind of discrimination in the workplace, the rewarding of merit and the safeguard of gender equality: these aims cannot be pushed back anymore.
“Enereco is a real big and friendly family and it is for me a great honour to be part of this family! I have joined Enereco in 2006 and I have been carrying this feeling for the last 14 years. This is a company of great opportunities and realization of potential. With the support of wonderful colleagues and mentors, I have grown not only as a professional, but also as a person. This is a company based on equality and integration, where there are no borders, where you can find support in any issue, where there are no obstacles for a professional growth like in my case: I am an electrical engineer and I started as a discipline specialist and progressed to the role of Senior Manager. One of my biggest aims of my youth was to become an international-level Oil&Gas professional and my dream came true at Enereco!”
Nazira Kamyspayeva
General Manager Enereco Caspio
The company’s strategic plan has been designed to the energy transition and the development of innovative and sustainable solutions; moreover we’ve improved Risk Management politics and spread an ethical and responsible culture along the chain, sharing efforts and goals.
In this time of urgency also at Enereco we’ve done our bit, even small. We’ve chosen to donate 20 electric beds to Fano and Pesaro hospitals, which in this moment are in a critical situation: they count a high number of patients, particularly in the intensive care unit. Through this donation many more sick persons can be nursed, offering an immediate and clear benefit to the community as well.
Our heartfelt thanks to doctors and healthcare workers, who are dealing with the emergency with professionalism and dedication.
our Services

we provide multidisciplinary engineering services based on a substantial experience in major capital projects as well as in the use of industry’s leading types of software, codes and practices.

we support you in the tendering and procurement activities as well as directly purchasing, expediting and delivering on your behalf, optimizing your time and budget. All over the world.

we analyze the social and environmental context in every project to respect the world we’re living in, besides estimating costs and benefits for the whole plant life. Sustainability is the key.