Blaze project
Blaze project Country: Italy  Year: 2021-ongoing Activity: R&D Innovation Biomass Low cost Advanced Zero Emission small-to-medium scale integrated gasifier fuel cell combined heat and power plant (CHP). BLAZE is a Horizon 2020 project to develop an innovative, highly efficient and fuel-flexible technology for combined heat and power from biomass by means of an integrated biomass [...]
ERGEVA – scientific agrotechnological park
Year 2022 Country: Italy - San Lorenzo in Campo (PU) Activity: R&D Innovation ERGEVA - Scientific Agrotechnological Park The project Ergeva consists of the recovering of an abandoned area of 28ha in the hinterland of Marche Region. Thanks to the Research&Development activities, Enereco invests in the development of: an asset for microalgae production for food [...]
CANTIERI DL Integrated Management System Thanks to our multi-year experience in Work Direction, in pipeline and plants construction and grid maintenance we develop a software called CantieriDL. The system allows to set-up access authorization and read/modify permission to quickly access information and develop report. Data aggregation and documents creation are feasible in every working phase. [...]
LNG/L-CNG filling station
Year 2017 Country: Italy - Padua Client: Liquimet spa Activity: R&D Innovation LNG/L-CNG filling station at interport of Padua The project consists of the EPC contract for the design, procurement and construction of a new filling station of LNG/L-CNG for vehicles, this was one of the first plants in Italy. Some relevant data: 60m3 of [...]
Genoa Debottlenecking project
YEAR 2004 Country: Italy - Genoa Client: Praoil spa Activity: R&D Innovation Department CASE HISTORY To rationalise its oil pipeline network, Praoil SpA decided to construct a new pipe bundle to connect Porto Petroli of Genoa Multedo to the Genoa Pegli tank farm. The pipe bundle composed of 6 steel pipes was installed, for the [...]
Record crossings with Microtunneling
Year 1999 Country: Italy Client: Snam Activity: R&D Innovation CASE HISTORY Record crossings with microtunneling River crossing has always been a challenge in gas pipeline design and construction. Thanks to an even bigger attention to environmental aspects, engineers have been motivated to select new solutions with the purpose of avoiding excavations and solving  essential problems [...]
YEAR 2012 Special Hydraulic Effective Restrainer for Pipeline Application For environmental and commercial reasons, it has become more common to use microtunnels for the installation of pipeline. With the special needs of microtunneling projects in mind, and based upon our particular espertise in microtunnels, Enereco developed the S.H.E.R.P.A. trenchless technology, a system of installing pipeline [...]
Trenchless Pipeline Removal (TPR)
YEAR 2015 Presented with new difficulties in pipeline removal, engineers at Enereco asked themselves how we could remove pipelines without excavation, ìn other words, trenchless. Jump ahead to 2015, and our patented Trenchless Pipeline Removal system won the Global Petroleum Show’s Innovation in Technologies Award. Trenchless Pipeline Removal (TPR) The abandonment of unused pipeline is [...]