Year 2022
Country: Italy – San Lorenzo in Campo (PU)
Activity: R&D Innovation

ERGEVA – Scientific Agrotechnological Park
The project Ergeva consists of the recovering of an abandoned area of 28ha in the hinterland of Marche Region.
Thanks to the Research&Development activities, Enereco invests in the development of:
- an asset for microalgae production for food and pharmaceutical scopes
- an innovative project for the cultivation of vegetable species to include within local agricultural value chain together with an agrivoltaic system for a total power of 2,7 MW
- a Research & Development platform where innovative projects and ideas are developed thanks to the collaborations of local institutions, universities and research centers
Some relevant data:
- Indoor microalgae production for an area of 5500 SQ
- 5ha of land for agrivoltaic plant
- Creation of Energy Communities to the benefit of local territory